The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Are Centralized MFPs the New Water Cooler for Office Chit-Chat?

Buy one device and save money? Sometimes, but it doesn't always work that way.

Many small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) strive for efficiency by placing their print/copy/scan devices in one, central office location. A location that is easily accessed by employees and with a bevy of paper and supplies at their fingertips. While this may seem like a good idea in theory, it’s worth evaluating whether or not grabbing a print job from the digital copier has become an excuse to take a lap around the office and socialize.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Productivity Tips and Tools

Diamonds Are Forever; Technology – Including Digital Copiers – Isn't

IT changes quickly and becomes outdated – that includes your digital copiers and printers.

Some things get better with age – a good red wine, a vintage car, a great marriage. Other things don't age, they just get old – white wine turns to vinegar, a Ford Escort is always just going to be a Ford Escort, some relationships don't last.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Technology Support Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools

Don't Kick Your Copiers or Printers – And 6 Other Tips to Minimize Copier Repair Needs

Kicking your copier can make you feel better. Here are six ways to avoid the urge.

I don't know about you, but I've been frustrated enough with printers and copiers over the years to want to give one a swift kick (I never have!). And many of you are no doubt familiar with the “printer revenge” scene in the move Office Space.

I've made this point before, digital copiers (and laser printers) today are complex pieces of machinery and they do wear out and break down over time.

But it's not always your copier's or printer's fault that it's not working correctly, sometimes it's yours.

What are some things that you can do to keep your digital copier(s) operating at peak efficiency? Here are five.

Topics: Office Equipment DatamaxGreen Managed Services Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools

Work on the Move – Digital Copiers Help You Keep Up

Working anywhere is a reality. Another reality, the “boring” digital copier enables that reality.

I've been writing about the value and productivity benefits of your digital copiers for quite a while now. I've learned a lot in the past few years writing these posts (and I hope you have too!).

I recently saw the infographic (see below) from Konica Minolta. It's called the “Workplace of the Future.” It struck me that while we're always looking to “what's new and next” (especially when it comes to technology) that it's often the tried and true technology that we rely on to run the core of our businesses. Document management, helping to manage change, our networks, and, yes, even copiers aren't outdated (though they've all been around for decades) – and they'll continue to play a role in the workplaces of tomorrow long after I retire.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Workflow Productivity Tips and Tools

How Many Digital Copiers Does It Take to Screw in a Light Bulb?

How many digital copiers and/or printers does your office really need? Ask yourself a few of these questions to find out.

Granted, this title is a little silly. It's a bit like the question “how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?”

The answer is, of course, the world may never know.

Or, another light bulb joke:

How many copier sales people does it take to screw in a light bulb?


One to hold the light bulb, the other four to turn the ladder.

Topics: Print Management Productivity Tips and Tools

Business Process Improvements Are Good for Your Office – But What's in it for You?

Improved processes won't just save your company money, they'll also save you time – and who couldn't use more time?

It's the second week of the new year and you're already as busy as ever. Most of you reading this are responsible for keeping your office running – making decisions and researching technology improvements and “simply” ensuring everyone is working together smoothly.

Process improvements (such as automated workflows and using digital copiers to scan paper to digital for easy retrieval) will of course make the business more efficient and effective, but what about you? I'm going to write about more of the dollars and cents return on investment value of business process improvement in a future post. I've already touched on some of the pro arguments in these posts (Throw Your Law Firm a Productivity Lifeline – 5 Reasons to Automate Your Workflows; Using Your Copier to Streamline Your Legal Workflow; and 10 Questions to Ask About Your Document Workflow). For this post, I'm going to focus on a few ways improving business processes will make YOUR life easier – you deserve it.

Topics: Document Workflow Productivity Tips and Tools

Suck It Up, Buttercup – How NOT to Do Change Management

You can ignore change issues when introducing new technology and fail. Or you can focus on managing changes and training everyone on the new technology and processes and succeed.

People hate to change.

Change is hard. If you've ever tried to break a bad habit or start a healthy new one (we're all starting to think about resolutions for next year, right?); you know exactly what I'm talking about.

When it's time to improve your business' processes by adding new technology – anything from new process management software to CRM to digital copiers – changing employees' existing habits can be hard.

Topics: Office Equipment Managed Services Creating Raving Fans Productivity Tips and Tools Net Promoter Score

Get the RIGHT Technology – Digital Copiers and Document Management – with Assessments

Do You Have Any Clue What You Need? Digital Copiers, Document Management, and Managed Networks

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”
The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”
I don’t know,” Alice answered.
Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?” 
― Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in Wonderland

If you've spent any time on our website, you know we place a high value on assessments – we offer one on just about every page!

Topics: Document Management Partnering Document Workflow Print Management Managed Services Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Network Security Productivity Tips and Tools Net Promoter Score

Private and Secure Printing With Pull Printing

If you need to print confidential documents securely, pull printing can be your answer.

How often have you walked past a copier or printer's output tray and cringed to notice a confidential document sitting in plain view there?

When your business deals daily with documents that contain confidential or protected personal information (like law offices and medical professionals who need to be HIPAA compliant), you need a way to keep the documents that you need to print secure. Pull printing (often called follow me printing or secure print release) is one way to ensure that only the right people have access to those documents. 

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Managed Services Security Productivity Tips and Tools Legal Tips and Tools

Crystal Clear Communication: THE Key to Successful Copier Service

Clear communications sets expectations, leads to successful projects, and improved financial performance. Here's our communication strategy.

So you’ve bought/leased a fleet of copiers or you’ve just signed on for a managed print services contract. What now? 

Topics: Office Equipment Partnering Managed Services Creating Raving Fans Productivity Tips and Tools Copier Service