The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation: 2023 Tax Incentives on Office Equipment Acquisition

Section 179 Deduction of the IRS Tax Code is an immediate expense deduction that business owners can take for purchases of depreciable business equipment. 

Continuing to invest in new technology equipment to maximize efficiency is a valuable endeavor for organizations looking for a competitive edge. It's even better when you can maximize tax deductions as well.

Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation are two components of the 2017 TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) that present potential tax savings for your organization if you're in the market for copiers, printers, or other related technology hardware or software. To maximize the current incentive, qualifying equipment must be financed or purchased before January 1, 2024. Also of note: Beginning Jan. 1 of this year, bonus depreciation has begun to phase out over the next four years.

Topics: Office Equipment IT Consulting Color Printing LeaseCare Technology Procurement

Section 179 & Bonus Depreciation: Act Fast on Potential 2022 Tax Incentives for Office Technology Acquisition

Almost all types of “business equipment” new or used that your company buys or finances will qualify for the Section 179 Deduction and/or Bonus Depreciation.

Need a little additional "incentive" to close out your year with the acquisition of office technology? Section 179 and Bonus Depreciation are two components of the 2017 TCJA (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act) that present potential tax savings for your organization if you're in the market for copiers, printers, or other related technology hardware or software.

But you'll need to act fast.  To maximize the current incentive, qualifying equipment must be financed or purchased before January 1, 2023.

Topics: Office Equipment IT Consulting Color Printing LeaseCare Technology Procurement

Find the Secure Print Resolution You Need With These 3 Components

A print security vulnerability could be something as ubiquitous as a user hitting "Print," forgetting, and the job (with sensitive information) ending up in the wrong hands, or as malicious as an intentional data breach. 

All great stories eventually come to end.

Whether that ending is unexpected, shocking, or largely ambiguous, it provides some level of resolution. It’s in our DNA as readers and as humans to expect a beginning, middle, and end to any story. Without this simple, basic narrative structure in place, we’re left feeling anxious, restless, frustrated even.

Topics: Print Management Color Printing Cybersecurity Print Security

4 Print Capabilities To Help School IT Directors Recover Lost Time

23 percent of all IT help desk calls are printer-related, according to the International Data Corporation.

Recovery after a marathon is a must.

The time spent stretching, eating well, but refraining from intense workouts will actually speed up your rate of recovery to ensure future training doesn’t suffer. In the short term, it can be difficult. In the long term, it saves you time and training productivity.

Topics: Print Management Education Education Tips and Tools Color Printing

Give Green, Get Green: Best Printing Practices that Impact the Environment & Your Bottom Line

By developing – and deploying – enterprise-wide print strategies now, businesses can over time, through the eight methodical steps, make a positive impact on the environment and their bottom line.

Texas Politician Rick Green had this signature witticism, ‘"That’s Green, like money!" Being "green," of course, also refers to corporate programs launched to help organizations be environmentally proactive.

What Green – and many businesses today – may not know, is that both initiatives (the environment and your bottom line) can be achieved simultaneously through a series of Printing Best Practices.

Topics: DatamaxGreen Print Management Managed Services Provider Color Printing

3 Ways to Put the 'Pro' Back into Your Production Print Solution

Successful planning and implementation often lies in the inherent capabilities of your production print partner — making long-term value and demonstrated expertise part of your decision making process. 

Ever started a home improvement project that should have been left to the pros?

Whether it was a leaky faucet that led to a monsoon of other issues, or a home renovation gone awry, we’ve been there. We know. With the idea of cutting a few costs, we find out quickly that DIY can quickly lead to “doing it all wrong.”

Topics: Office Equipment Production Print Color Printing