Print Accounting Software

You can’t manage what you don’t measure – how well are you measuring print spend?

Measurement is the key to getting print costs under control and setting realistic budgets for your organization and its many users. Establishing reasonable budgets in concert with active monitoring is the key to controlling print usage across an organization.

There’s software for that.

By utilizing Print Accounting Software, either via cloud or on-premise deployment), you can effectively track printing, authenticate and manage clients, accounts, codes, and users for invoicing and charge-back purposes across the entire network. Essentially, as part of a Datamax Print Management engagement, you gain full visibility and maintain user accountability every time someone in your organization hits “print.”

Keep track of your print environment.

  • Generate reports for user, device, and group or multi-level cost center
  • View device usage across the entire network.
  • Analyze trends of volume, color use, average job size, etc.
  • Assess where savings can be made.

Keep your users accountable.

  • Create a budget for each user
  • Enable the implementation of rules, routing of jobs to cheaper devices, or automated deletion of jobs after a specified time has elapsed
  • Require manager’s authorization before printing large/expensive jobs
  • Create cost codes for jobs to ensure the correct budget is charged
  • Celebrate the number of trees saved through responsible printing.

The cost of printing can be extreme, but leveraging print accounting software (i.e. PaperCut, uniFLOW) can help you measure, and then effectively manage, all your print-associated costs.

PaperCur Dashboard

Ready to start tracking? Schedule your conversation with a Datamax Print Specialist today!