The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Does Your Technology Partner Pass Your 2020 Vision Test?

Do their values reflect a commitment to maximizing your return on technology investment? Is their communication – and their approach – crystal clear?

Pardon the inevitable pun. But does your technology partner have a 2020 vision, at least for your business? Does their vision match your's?

In other words, can they:

  • Speak to the true challenges of your industry and your specific organization?
  • Identify opportunities for creating more efficient business processes, and make relevant technology recommendations that are relevant to YOU?  
  • Maintain accountability with proven results?
Topics: Office Equipment Partnering Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Technology Pain Technology Training

4C Educators Should Seek a 4C Business Technology Partner

While the 4Cs in education help empower students to be think-tanks of tomorrow, the 4Cs of business technology should and can liberate your on-campus technology team to apply these classroom initiatives.

As educators further pursue the ideal 21st century learning environment, one won’t dig far without uncovering the 4Cs.

The 4Cs – critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication - have been adopted and implemented into the curriculum of school districts and professional development programs for years. Established by the National Education Association and the Partnership for 21st Century Skills, these four components are a guide post for choosing specific tools, software and curriculum for the modern day, technologically advanced environment of today’s youth.

Your business technology partner should play a key role in helping bring those 4Cs to light. 

Topics: Office Equipment Partnering IT Consulting Production Print Technology Pain Business Continuity Technology Training Managed Services Provider Education Tips and Tools

Why Qualified IT Support Is Becoming Harder (and More Expensive) to Find

As companies of every size rely on IT to operate, it’s becoming more difficult to find and hire the IT expertise you need. Is there an alternative?

When it comes to IT, many small and medium businesses struggle to find the right balance of reliability, responsiveness, and cost – not to mention technical expertise. In most cases, IT support is usually one of four ways:

  • Your niece, nephew, or first born, who is “really technical” and oversees the details for you
  • A company a business friend of yours uses that you call when your computers start freezing
  • A dedicated, in-house IT department that you keep on your payroll and “does it all”
  • A proactively, managed provider who provides a blend of remote monitoring, preventative maintenance, and help desk support when you need it

Understanding the difference between these types of support is critical to protecting your business. Hackers are everywhere, they want your information, and they are just waiting to take advantage of your small business’s network vulnerabilities.

Topics: Network Management Partnering Managed Services IT Consulting Technology Support Technology Pain Network Security

How NOT To Get Trapped in a Bad Copier Lease: 18 Things to Know

Keeping your lease with the partner who delivered your IT solution or designed the structure and layout of your office print fleet is an excellent way to ensure you get the best service possible throughout the length of your contract.

You have multiple choices when it comes to leasing your copiers and other office equipment.

You already know many of the advantages of leasing (more on that below) – predictable budgeting and the ability to rapidly roll-out advanced technology at a fraction of what it would cost to buy that same technology.

While leasing is a great way to take advantage of technology, the wrong leasing partner can turn business nirvana into a nightmare of poor service, unexpected fees, and trapped into using technology that no longer meets your needs because of inflexible lease terms.

We believe that being a trusted partner is good for us and, more importantly, good for our customers.

Topics: Office Equipment Partnering Managed Services Creating Raving Fans Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools Net Promoter Score

6 Cybersecurity Tips That Will Help Keep Your Data Secure

Employees are a big weakness in any information security plan. These 6 tips will make your security stronger.

The biggest security hole in any business isn't the network or your computer assets or the various programs you operate on.

The biggest security threat to any business is the people that work there.

Because people do stupid things. And when they do stupid things with company information (like leaving a laptop in the backseat of a car with customer information), your company is at risk of a data breach.

That's why when it comes to cybersecurity, paying attention only to the IT side of things isn't good enough (though that's essential, of course).

You need to train your users.

Here are a few tips to help you get started on training employees on information security.

Topics: Network Management Managed Services IT Consulting Technology Pain Network Security Security Cloud Technology Business Continuity Data Back-Up

Why Running Your Copier Into the Ground May Not Be Such a Great Idea

There's a point of diminishing returns when it comes to using old office equipment – like copiers and printers – because they're still working.

Are you a “buy, don't lease, find a trusty mechanic because the car dealer will always rip you off” kind of a buyer? If so, I suspect you might also have a 10 year old copier sitting around that you have no plans to ever replace as long as it’s working. Why replace it until it breaks, right?

Maybe not.

The fact is that just because your trusty old office equipment might still be cranking out pages, you could be missing out on advancements in equipment technology that will not only make you say, “how did I ever live without this before,” but might also save you some money in the process!

Office equipment, like vehicles, can be an expensive investment to make. But the reality is that technology is moving at such a rapid pace that, just like your vehicle that immediately depreciates the second you drive it off the lot, office equipment has a point of diminishing returns.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Workflow Print Management Mobile Printing Did You Know? Technology Pain Network Security Productivity Tips and Tools Business Continuity

The 4 Reasons You Quit Your IT Partner

IT service partners often fail for one (or all) of these reasons: data loss, poor communication / customer service, downtime, and security breach. How's your partner doing?

Not every service partner will meet your expectations.

I know, I know; not a particularly shocking or unexpected revelation. We've all been disappointed in business services, whether it was the company that built your deck or the one that attempted to manage your network.

Sometimes you choose the wrong company. 

Topics: Network Management Managed Services IT Consulting Technology Support Technology Pain Network Security

Is Your Copier Provider All-In On Service?

You don't have to settle for poor copier repair and maintenance services.

Ever been to a restaurant and request something that isn’t on the menu? Or even just wanted to slightly adjust your order? Or wanted a Coke, but all they served was Pepsi products?

How often has the server been unhelpful – if not rude?

Topics: Office Equipment Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Technology Pain Copier Service Net Promoter Score

Diamonds Are Forever; Technology – Including Digital Copiers – Isn't

IT changes quickly and becomes outdated – that includes your digital copiers and printers.

Some things get better with age – a good red wine, a vintage car, a great marriage. Other things don't age, they just get old – white wine turns to vinegar, a Ford Escort is always just going to be a Ford Escort, some relationships don't last.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Technology Support Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools

Don't Kick Your Copiers or Printers – And 6 Other Tips to Minimize Copier Repair Needs

Kicking your copier can make you feel better. Here are six ways to avoid the urge.

I don't know about you, but I've been frustrated enough with printers and copiers over the years to want to give one a swift kick (I never have!). And many of you are no doubt familiar with the “printer revenge” scene in the move Office Space.

I've made this point before, digital copiers (and laser printers) today are complex pieces of machinery and they do wear out and break down over time.

But it's not always your copier's or printer's fault that it's not working correctly, sometimes it's yours.

What are some things that you can do to keep your digital copier(s) operating at peak efficiency? Here are five.

Topics: Office Equipment DatamaxGreen Managed Services Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools