The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Lost Along the Paper Trail? 5 Reasons to Consider Paperless HR Onboarding

Typical organizations have anywhere from 20 to 40 documents required for onboarding a new employee. By going the paperless route, HR professionals can find better traction toward tasks and engagements that truly matter to their internal constituents.

Lewis Carroll, in his famous book “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” writes “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” It’s a reminder that when you lack a clear goal or direction, any path you take may seem valid or justified... no matter how inefficient or mistake-prone it might be.

Topics: Document Management Content Management Document Management Software Laserfiche

12 Reasons Why a Holistic Needs Assessment is Essential for Content Management Engagements

Without a thorough assessment, there’s a higher risk of content management system inefficiencies, misalignment with organizational needs, and wasted resources.

The "technology tipping point" refers to a crucial moment when a business realizes it's spending more time managing documents, content, processes, and technology than focusing on its core operations. It serves as a wake-up call and an opportunity for transformation. It's a chance to step back, identify inefficiencies in day-to-day operations, and regain focus on what truly drives your business or organization.

Topics: Document Management Document Workflow Content Management Document Management Software Laserfiche

Content Management: 5 Ways to Accelerate HR Processes

According to Deloitte, HR automation can improve process efficiency by up to 60%, allowing HR teams to focus on strategic tasks rather than repetitive administrative work.

American businessman and author Gary Vaynerchuk recently posted this nugget on his LinkedIn page: “Speed is 4 billion times more important than perfection.”

Topics: Document Management Document Workflow Content Management Document Management Software

6 Signs It's Time to Consider a Document/Content Management Solution

According to a report by Skynova, 66% of businesses say processing invoices takes up more than five days per month. Additionally, almost half of all businesses require two to three people to approve an invoice. Great... so what if at least one of those three people are on vacation for a week?

Are your documents in disarray? Is it affecting how well your team performs?  

Documents are the vessels of everyday business workflow environments. They are the means of distributing key information on every aspect of your business operations at large. Likewise, “unstructured” documents like images, videos, audio files, and emails play a key role in disseminating and sharing information. Workplaces are at their best when these documents, records, and content are easily accessible, well organized, stored appropriately, and fully secured.

Topics: Document Management Document Workflow Document Management Software