The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

4 Tips on Avoiding the Headache of Inaccurate Copier Invoices

These issues not only impact your day-to-day operations but also strain your working relationship with your vendor. 

It’s pretty simple. If it ain’t right, it ain’t right.

How can something standard and central to an ongoing copier partner relationship go terribly awry?Do you find sorting through invoices, with more questions than answers? Is your account manager fielding more issues with mystery charges than your actual fleet performance?  Inaccurate copier invoices are more than just a minor inconvenience: They cause headaches, waste time (YOUR time), and can disrupt budgets.

Topics: Office Equipment Copier Service Digital Copiers

6 Signs it May Be Time to Replace Your Old Copier or Printer

There likely won’t be an obvious indicator that it’s time to replace your trusted copier or printer. However, there will be signs.

If your office had one essential worker, it would be your Multifunction Printer/copier.

It works diligently and consistently, without much of a break. It also multi-tasks in unique ways, printing, copying, scanning, faxing, and finishing to help you complete workflows and custom print jobs every single day. Of course, from its initial unboxing to its final resting place in the boneyard (the area of a copier dealer's warehouse where it is eventually stripped for parts), your copier has a  certain life span.

Topics: Office Equipment Copier Service Digital Copiers Copier Repair MFP Security

7 Numbers Every Copier Provider Should be Willing to Share

The numbers detailed below will say a lot about the level of service you can expect (and subsequent downtime), capabilities in applying technology to your business needs, and frankly just how well they take care of their clients. 

It's always good to know your numbers.

When you lease or purchase your next copier or printer, you're likely entering into a long-term relationship with a provider; and not all copier companies are created equal.  Beneath conversations about speeds and feeds, lease details, onboarding logistics, and in some cases, gimmicks and slick advertising pitches, there are some hard numbers that cut through the fat and help you make the right decision.

Topics: Office Equipment Copier Service Digital Copiers Copier Repair

Print Management 101: What is Your Organization's Print Ability?

How capable are you in controlling both users and devices, i.e. how well do you curb wasteful printing habits?

Printability is a common term in the realm of business. It’s simply the capability of a document to be printed to whatever desired format, style, or quality.

Print Ability? That calls for a deeper discussion. Print Ability is a term we’ve coined here to ask, simply, how smart and capable are you with handling your organization’s print behavior? Call it Print Management 101.

Topics: Print Management Digital Copiers Print Security Cloud Print PaperCut