The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Data Backup Protects Your Small Business From Ransomware Attacks

Data backup is (or should be) a part of every businesses IT strategy. Add in the fact, that data backup is a final line of defense against ransomware, and you're crazy if you don't have an online backup strategy.

Cyber attacks on small businesses is BIG BUSINESS for cybercriminals. That’s because they know that you may not have the money (or the muscle) to secure your small business’s network. Even worse is the fact that there is little or no recourse for the small business owner who falls prey to a ransomware attack. Many simply pony up the money just to get their critical information back.

Topics: Network Management Managed Services IT Consulting Network Security Security Data Back-Up

Canon Copier Service – We're in a Class (and Classroom) by Ourselves

How do you know when your copier service partner is REALLY capable of servicing your Canon copiers?

Do you have an “ego wall?”

Go into a doctor's office, lawyer, or some other highly-educated profession and in many offices you'll see proof of their expertise in the form of diplomas and certifications hanging on the wall. I lightheartedly think of those as “ego walls.”

In reality, professionals show off their qualification for a few reasons, including:

  • Pride in the effort to achieve their educational and professional goals
  • Proof that they know what the heck they're doing

My tongue-in-cheek way of thinking about these is as “ego walls” because there are some people who will put up any scrap of evidence to show expertise.

Regardless, all of those certifications and diplomas reflect work and effort to master skills. That's why we're extremely proud of our Canon ATSP recognition:

  • We're proud of the achievement and work we put in for it
  • It's proof that we know how to service Canon copiers (in fact, I think we're the best option to service, repair, and maintain Canon copiers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area)
Topics: Partnering Managed Services Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Canon Copier Service Net Promoter Score

The 4 Reasons You Quit Your IT Partner

IT service partners often fail for one (or all) of these reasons: data loss, poor communication / customer service, downtime, and security breach. How's your partner doing?

Not every service partner will meet your expectations.

I know, I know; not a particularly shocking or unexpected revelation. We've all been disappointed in business services, whether it was the company that built your deck or the one that attempted to manage your network.

Sometimes you choose the wrong company. 

Topics: Network Management Managed Services IT Consulting Technology Support Technology Pain Network Security

We Might Not Be the Lowest Cost Copier

If cost is your only consideration when buying a copier, you're probably hurting your business.

How much does a copier cost? Where can I buy a color laser printer? What's the cheaper copier near me? Cost and price often dominate how businesses think about their office equipment – how can I pay the least amount possible?

While being fiscally prudent is always a good idea, focusing on price – and ONLY price – gets businesses into trouble. 

Value is more important.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Managed Services Productivity Tips and Tools

There Is a Copier Service Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow

Finding a service company that combines excellent copier service support and expertise at a reasonable price feels like looking for a pot of gold.

Leprechauns are lucky.

Four-leaf clovers are lucky.

Companies looking for top-notch maintenance and service for their digital copiers and other office equipment often feel like they're looking for a four-leaf clover in the middle of a cornfield.

They can't find one.


Especially if you bring someone in who claims expertise on the copier you need serviced, but really doesn't.

Topics: Partnering Managed Services Creating Raving Fans Net Promoter Score

Don't Kick Your Copiers or Printers – And 6 Other Tips to Minimize Copier Repair Needs

Kicking your copier can make you feel better. Here are six ways to avoid the urge.

I don't know about you, but I've been frustrated enough with printers and copiers over the years to want to give one a swift kick (I never have!). And many of you are no doubt familiar with the “printer revenge” scene in the move Office Space.

I've made this point before, digital copiers (and laser printers) today are complex pieces of machinery and they do wear out and break down over time.

But it's not always your copier's or printer's fault that it's not working correctly, sometimes it's yours.

What are some things that you can do to keep your digital copier(s) operating at peak efficiency? Here are five.

Topics: Office Equipment DatamaxGreen Managed Services Technology Pain Productivity Tips and Tools

A Six-Pack of 2016's Most Popular Posts

Happy New Year from the Datamax Thinking Blog!

Thanks for stopping by during the Holidays. I hope you've enjoyed reading these posts and much as I've (usually) enjoyed writing them. Here are the six most popular Datamax Texas posts for all of 2016. Enjoy and learn for the first time or refresh your memory – read on.

Click on the following titles to read the posts.

Topics: Managed Services Did You Know?

Step-by-Step to Self-Discovery and Digital Copiers With the Technology Assessment Process

When it comes to identifying business needs and how to achieve them with technology; you need a proven process. Here's ours.

We're going to help you discover yourself.

I know, that sounds weird coming from a copier dealer and managed network services company. I feel a little like a self-help guru typing that. 

“We've got IT covered” is how we like to put it. That can sound so insufferably smug. However, we do know what we're doing and we know that we can help you.

However, I understand the skepticism. You're worried that we're just going to sell you what we sell – regardless of if it's a good fit or not.

Topics: Document Workflow Managed Services

Suck It Up, Buttercup – How NOT to Do Change Management

You can ignore change issues when introducing new technology and fail. Or you can focus on managing changes and training everyone on the new technology and processes and succeed.

People hate to change.

Change is hard. If you've ever tried to break a bad habit or start a healthy new one (we're all starting to think about resolutions for next year, right?); you know exactly what I'm talking about.

When it's time to improve your business' processes by adding new technology – anything from new process management software to CRM to digital copiers – changing employees' existing habits can be hard.

Topics: Office Equipment Managed Services Creating Raving Fans Productivity Tips and Tools Net Promoter Score

Get the RIGHT Technology – Digital Copiers and Document Management – with Assessments

Do You Have Any Clue What You Need? Digital Copiers, Document Management, and Managed Networks

Alice asked the Cheshire Cat, who was sitting in a tree, “What road do I take?”
The cat asked, “Where do you want to go?”
I don’t know,” Alice answered.
Then,” said the cat, “it really doesn’t matter, does it?” 
― Lewis CarrollAlice's Adventures in Wonderland

If you've spent any time on our website, you know we place a high value on assessments – we offer one on just about every page!

Topics: Document Management Partnering Document Workflow Print Management Managed Services Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Network Security Productivity Tips and Tools Net Promoter Score