The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Section 179 Deduction: A Big Incentive for Office Technology Acquisition

Essentially, Section 179 of the IRS tax code allows businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or software purchased or financed during the tax year. That means that if you buy (or lease) a piece of qualifying equipment, you can deduct the FULL PURCHASE PRICE from your gross income.

Small-to-medium sized businesses looking to bolster their workflow environment can now utilize technology addition by deduction — the Section 179 Deduction.

Topics: Office Equipment Productivity Tips and Tools Multifunction Copier Technology Procurement

COVID-19: 5 Benefits of Body Temperature Measurement Kiosks

With body temperature measurement kiosks, the human to human contact is eliminated completely by simply walking up to the device and getting temperature read via facial recognition.

As COVID-19 cases linger in Texas, businesses continue to try to stay ahead of the spread and ensure a safe and healthy workplace.

Topics: Office Equipment Coronavirus Body Surface Temperature Screening

5 Signs Your Old Copier Could Be Creating Security Vulnerabilities

Many SMBs fail to recognize the copier for what it is today — just another device on the network, as susceptible to cyber attack as an email inbox or web browser.

"If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it."

I see this old, tired adage at play frequently when I visit offices and learn more about their printing environment. Whether it’s due to low volumes, reluctance to incur new costs, or just flat-out comfort factor, many businesses run their decade-plus-old copiers into the ground, much like one would an older vehicle that’s been paid for.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Security Cybersecurity MFP Security

Plug-and-Play: Canon uniFLOW Hybrid Technology Increases User Flexibility, Functionality

With built-in hybrid technology, uniFLOW now combines on-premise facilities and cloud resources, to allow organizations to blend a solution that satisfies a particular technology landscape.

A hybrid model poses many potential advantages to an end user, with an ability to mix and match elements according to customized needs.

Topics: Office Equipment Document Workflow Print Management Canon

7 Proactive Steps SMBs Can Take Amid the Coronavirus Outbreak

While the series of events surrounding COVID-19 may leave business owners seemingly with their hands tied, there are proactive steps that can alleviate concerns, ensure healthy practices, and sustain productivity for the days and weeks ahead.

As our nation and our world continue to deal with the coronavirus and its impact, small businesses find themselves on the front lines of this outbreak.

Topics: Office Equipment Business Continuity Disaster Recovery Coronavirus Remote Workforce Planning

Does Your Technology Partner Pass Your 2020 Vision Test?

Do their values reflect a commitment to maximizing your return on technology investment? Is their communication – and their approach – crystal clear?

Pardon the inevitable pun. But does your technology partner have a 2020 vision, at least for your business? Does their vision match your's?

In other words, can they:

  • Speak to the true challenges of your industry and your specific organization?
  • Identify opportunities for creating more efficient business processes, and make relevant technology recommendations that are relevant to YOU?  
  • Maintain accountability with proven results?
Topics: Office Equipment Partnering Technology Support Creating Raving Fans Technology Pain Technology Training

Do You Have an Open Door Policy With Your Copier?

Is the information on your devices open to anyone who happens to walk inside your office? If so, it can certainly backfire on your organization, and blow the door open for leaking sensitive information.

An open door policy at your organization may be a great initiative for encouraging openness and transparency in the company. But it can also backfire if misused by employees.

Do you have a similar open door policy on your copier? Is the information on your devices open to anyone who happens to walk inside your office? If so, it can certainly backfire on your organization, and blow the door open for leaking sensitive information. It might be time for a change in policy. 

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management Security

3 Steps to Pulling Weeds Out of Your Print Landscape

Weeds in your print environment are equally destructive. Excessive printing by users; poor tracking of devices; and even inadequate security policies that can become harmful to your organization.

Pulling weeds – it’s an arduous, thankless and literally painful task.

Albeit, a completely necessary one for a healthy garden or lawn environment. Weeds block out sunlight and steal water. They crowd out your crop space and often camouflage harmful pests or disease. If left unattended, of course, weeds only get worse.

Topics: Office Equipment Print Management

3 Ways to Put the 'Pro' Back into Your Production Print Solution

Successful planning and implementation often lies in the inherent capabilities of your production print partner — making long-term value and demonstrated expertise part of your decision making process. 

Ever started a home improvement project that should have been left to the pros?

Whether it was a leaky faucet that led to a monsoon of other issues, or a home renovation gone awry, we’ve been there. We know. With the idea of cutting a few costs, we find out quickly that DIY can quickly lead to “doing it all wrong.”

Topics: Office Equipment Production Print Color Printing

4 Things to Consider Before Taking the Leap into In-House Production Print

With the right preparation, the right equipment, and the right technology partner, your Return on Impression can be as exhilarating as an 85-foot plunge.

Cliff diving in an undoubtedly extreme – yet exhilarating - sport for the athletes mentally and physically strong enough to take the free-fall plunge. 

During the 3-second fall from 85 feet, competition divers experience forces of 2 to 3 Gs when they hit the water. That's nine times stronger than the forces Olympic high divers feel diving from 33-foot (10-meter) high platforms.

The freedom and adrenaline rush that these divers feel is prefaced by immense preparation, years of practice, and taking into account necessary precautions at all times.

Topics: Office Equipment Production Print