23 percent of all IT help desk calls are printer-related, according to the International Data Corporation.
Recovery after a marathon is a must.
The time spent stretching, eating well, but refraining from intense workouts will actually speed up your rate of recovery to ensure future training doesn’t suffer. In the short term, it can be difficult. In the long term, it saves you time and training productivity.
Unfortunately, time is not something school technology personnel have to spare. The BYOD boom has forced staff to account for exponentially more devices. Controlling, securing student Internet access is cumbersome. Doing less with more budget-wise forces an innate sense of creativity … and hustle.
And printers? They can be the Achilles heel in any IT director’s day. In fact, 23 percent of all IT help desk calls are printer-related, according to the International Data Corporation. IT directors, no doubt, log the miles in setting up these devices, responding to service tickets, and accurately tracking and controlling volume trends on individual devices can feel like the most unforgiving of marathon routes.
How do IT personnel on campus win the race against time?
4 Print Controls and Capabilities That Help On-Campus IT Staff Recover Lost Time
1. Universal Driver Management.
Trying to keep track of a multitude of printers from a variety of manufacturers? Universal Driver Management introduces one system, one set of rules, and one universal print driver district-wide. This ensures correct output as requested, and also reduces user dissatisfaction with the printing process and saves costs by cutting waste.
2. Remote Printing Capabilities.
Has the number of devices you manage multiplied exponentially in the past few years, with the same desire to print from each of them?
With remote printing functionality, IT Directors don't just add capabilities that students and teachers value (the ability to print from the device of their choice). They manage a remote print environment with equally-rich visibility into what's being printed ... and what shouldn't be.
3. Device Monitoring, Alerts, and Reporting.
How are issues across your fleet communicated, when there's a device at the high school out of toner, and three MFPs in the administration office with three different error codes? With device status monitoring, alerts, and reporting, IT personnel can monitor the status of their entire enabled print fleet, facilitating control of all devices.
As the Director of Technology at your school, are you spinning too many plates? Ready to pursue the print controls and capabilities that your school may be starved for right now. Learn more by downloading our eBook, "K-12 Print Management: 12 Relevant Capabilities and Cost-Saving Controls!"
4. Flexible Authentication at Device.
Students are being moved beyond conventional classroom settings with emerging styles of learning. Authentication, while critical, should be equally flexible and convenient.
With flexible authentication, the access of print devices is easily controlled. Educators, staff, and students choose from multiple authentication options, such as card log-in, user name/password, PIN code, job code, and anonymous log-in.
As the IT Director on campus, are you ready for recovery? Anxious to win back the time to pursue forward-thinking initiatives that enhance the classroom experience? That starts with Discovery. The Datamax Discovery Process is designed to holistically explore current print and workflow processes. The findings from this assessment enable us to deliver relevant technology recommendations for an optimized print fleet, giving you the productivity edge you need for the race ahead.