The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

Document Security Goes Mobile

As digital files become more prevalent, there will be an increased need for mobile security strategies and tools.

There have been many advances in the world of document workflow, specifically in regards to the capabilities found in the new breed of Multifunction Printers (MFPs). For years, MFPs have provided businesses the combined ability to print, copy, scan and fax from a centralized device and now, with the integration of powerful document workflow applications and the proliferation of mobile computing, they are enhancing business process like never before.

As a result, the MFP is more than just your average print output device; it has become the hub

Topics: Network Management Office Equipment Document Workflow Print Management Mobile Printing IT Consulting

The Technology Advocate–Helping Companies Make Smart IT Decisions

The Technology Advocate provides technical advise grounded in the business case and tailored to address the unique needs of each client organization.

Are you making good decisions about investments in your technology infrastructure? What business goals are you trying to accomplish? For many companies, the answer to both questions is a resounding "um..."

Organizations of all sizes use technology to conduct business functions ranging from simple communication to complex "big data" data analysis. Sometimes the adoption of technology is well conceived and cost effective, however all too often the acquisition and deployment of new

Topics: Network Management Partnering IT Consulting

Unleash the Power of the Cloud

Electrify your flow of information with a Cloud-based Content Management Solution.

If you're like many companies utilizing content management technology, you know first-hand how dramatically it transforms your business. Long gone are the labor-intensive days of excessive document handling, file cabinets and hindered information access and sharing. Now, you're empowered to capture, distribute and manage all your documents more effectively—in a secure and scalable digital system—revitalizing your workflow and making your entire organization more intelligent, agile and productive.

Topics: Document Management Content Management IT Consulting

Does Your Office Technology Partner Have More Than Just A Hammer?

What does your technology partner have in their toolkit?

Perhaps you’re in the process of building your business. Or maybe it’s already built and time to remodel, expand or simply retool. Regardless of the stage of your business, one thing’s for certain. Your blueprint is like no other.

Your people. Your workflow. Your goals. Your technology. They are just a few of the many facets that form the unique structure of your company and set you apart from your competition. The way they interrelate significantly impacts your bottom-line—that’s why it’s imperative that your office technology partner is equipped with the mindset and necessary tools to construct a solution that’s equally as distinctive as your business.

Topics: Office Equipment Partnering IT Consulting

The Technology Alignment Effect

Technology alignment processes can help businesses take flight and soar in the right direction.

Long gone are the days of buying technology just for the sake of buying technology. After decades of tossing money at IT investments without an inkling of the impact they have on business, many companies have come to the realization that the time has come to demand more from their technology and start holding it accountable for delivering bottom-line results. They’re also realizing that technology, by itself, can’t deliver those results. That’s why today companies are increasingly

Topics: Partnering IT Consulting

Virtues in Virtualization

The latest generation of virtual thinking and virtual technology is transforming business.

The time has come to seriously consider joining the ranks of smart companies that are getting on-board with one of today's hottest IT trends—virtualization.

What exactly is virtualization? Basically, it involves running multiple, independent operating systems—each with their own applications—on a single, physical server. The concept of virtual IT environment is actually decades old. So, why all the buzz now? In today's cost and environmentally conscious business arena, virtualization enables IT departments to

Topics: Network Management Managed Services IT Consulting

The Designated Technology Driver

Technology Management Outsourcing. Consider entrusting Datamax behind the wheel.

Every company has a destination to reach—a specific set of business goals and objectives they need to achieve. And most companies today know that largely, it's their technology that's going to get them there. So, one would assume that since technology is what ultimately drives business and determines its success or failure, most companies would have put a considerable amount of thought into who is driving their technology.

Topics: Network Management Partnering IT Consulting

Crossing The Technology Chasm

Make the leap with Datamax IT Consulting to where a new breed of information technology enables your business.

The other side of the technology chasm. It’s a place where a new breed of business tools enable companies to work more productively, securely and profitably than ever before. If you’re like many businesses, you’re ready to make the leap, but may have some anxiety over making the decisions that are going to get you there. After all, with the endless array of complex technology, services and solutions available today, it certainly can be a daunting venture. The good news is—you don’t have to make the leap alone.

Topics: Network Management Partnering IT Consulting