The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

More Power to Prevail: Our Top 10 Most-Read Blogs of 2020

Top 10 Most Read Blogs Datamax 2020

This blog space is intended to "promote collaborative discussion, and spark new ideas to provide your organization with more power to prevail." 

Perhaps the single biggest burning question for businesses in 2020? "What happens next?"

We asked that ourselves a lot, particularly in the early days and weeks of the coronavirus pandemic.  At the Datamax Thinking Blog,  we, too, scattered to work remotely (temporarily) in late March/early April. Operating from our kitchen tables or our home offices, we reached out to our own technology vendor/partners, heard the concerns from businesses we serve, and consulted with our internal teams to discuss what relevant content should be created next.

As you'll see, 7 out of our Top 10 Most Read Blogs of 2020 directly relate to COVID-19 technology preparedness. This blog space is intended to "promote collaborative discussion, and spark new ideas to provide your organization with more power to prevail." We sincerely thank you for reading this blog, along with our "You Ask We Answer" blog, in 2020.  What happens next? Nothing much surprises us anymore. But whatever it is, we look forward to doing our small part to help you, and your business, ultimately prevail.

Thank you again for reading! Let's take one final look at our Top 10 Most-Read Blogs of 2020!

1. I'm Searching for Online Meeting Solutions: What's GoMeet and What are its Remote Workforce Capabilities?

yawa_gomeet_options_2Organizations have countless options as they shop and search for business video conferencing solutions. GotoMeeting. Zoom. Skype. WebEx … to name a few. As businesses scramble to enable a remote workforce, what is GoMeet, and what are its capabilities?

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Datamax, through its CommCare Program, is offering its “GoMeet” remote meeting, video conferencing, and webinar software tools. Click here to read more.

2. Continuity Of Voice In Disaster (COVID-19): Prepared to Work Remotely?

blog_covid19-Ucaas_4What happens when working remotely ceases to be a luxury … and starts to become a necessity?

With the series of events unfolding surrounding the Coronavirus, employers are making operational adjustments to comply with a quickly-evolving public narrative — one that may soon include a work-from-home strategy.  Given these circumstances, how do businesses maintain effective communication with customers? With their team? How do they preserve standard business operations if employees aren't at the office? Click here to read more.

3. 3 Things We've Learned From the COVID-19 Work From Home Experiment

Blog_TX_WFHexperimentInnovation can often come to light under unforeseen circumstances.

Isaac Newton, ironically, stumbled onto the field of optics while self-isolating at home, amid a plague (sound familiar?).

To escape the outbreak in his college town of Cambridge, Newton holed up at his boyhood home in the English countryside, tinkering with a prism, a childhood toy he picked up at a local fair. Letting sunlight pass through a prism, he discovered an entire spectrum of colors splays out, dispelling the previous notion that light takes on the color from the medium it transits. His insight propelled the field of optics and proved revolutionary for modern science. Click here to read more.

4. The RGB/CMYK Conversion: How Do I Get My Print Output to Match the Colors on My Monitor?

yawa-color-screen-print-challengeIt’s a classic, often frightening, tale in the world of print and graphic design: You’ve spent an enormous amount of effort into a design project — why doesn’t your finished product match what you’re seeing on the screen?

Print technology has evolved tremendously in a relatively short amount of time. The advent of digital print devices has created the capability to do more with less than ever before. But at the same time, a considerable knowledge gap still exists between graphic designers utilizing RGB input at the start line of the design process, and the necessity of CMYK output at the finish.

How does one bridge that gap? Click here to read more.

5. 10 Remote Work Statistics Your Business Should Know in 2020

blog_10_remote_work_statsThe topic of a remote workforce has become a hot one this week as news of the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve.

The upward trend in employees working remotely, of course, is something businesses have undeniably heard before.

Taking a step back from the events surrounding COVID-19, it’s been affirmed that today’s workforce is a rapidly-changing one — one that depends on tools like video conferencing and relies on his or her smartphone. One that prefers to work remotely (if even part of the work week). One that is increasingly out of the office and on-the-go. Click here to read more.

6. In Light of COVID-19, Does Datamax Have any Promotions That Can Help My Business Better Communicate?

yawa_goMeet_promotionEditor's Note: The deadline for this promotion has passed since the blog was originally published. 

As an employer, are you suddenly asking yourself: How can employees be here, without really being here? There are projects to be shared, customers to be cared for, and meetings still to be conducted.

In light of the coronavirus pandemic, Datamax, through its CommCare Program, is offering “GoMeet” remote meeting, video conferencing, and webinar software tools for FREE through December 31, 2020.  Click here to read more.

7. Section 179 Deduction: A Big Incentive for Office Technology Acquisition

Blog_TX_Section179_2020Small-to-medium sized businesses looking to bolster their workflow environment can now utilize technology addition by deduction — the Section 179 Deduction.

Section 179 Deduction of the IRS Tax Code is an incentive created by the US government to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves. It allows organizations to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and/or  certain software purchased or financed during the tax year. Hardware could include: Click here to read more.

8. How Can I Prepare My Company for Working Remotely in Light of a Disaster or Other Event?

yawa_remote_workforce_planning_2Disaster planning is one of the most underappreciated aspects of executive leadership – until a disaster strikes. The current situation with COVID-19 is different from familiar disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes regarding property loss and damage; however, its growing impact on our daily lives is becoming just as profound and disruptive.

Traditional disaster planning considers remote workforce planning from the perspective of restoring communication, normal office functions, and employee productivity as quickly as possible. Click here to read more.

9. A Remote Reality: 5 Cybersecurity Tips Amid the Work From Home Tidal Wave

blog_tidal_wave_work_at_homeIf you’ve joined the Work From Home tidal wave in the last month (16 million of you, according to Slack), your home is now an extension of your office.

This essentially brings its fair share of obstacles: Kids and pets invading your workspace, distracting sounds inside (and outside) your home throughout the day, finding the bandwith to support those video meetings, and navigating the boundaries between “work” and “home”.

But perhaps the biggest obstacles could be securing your new workspace. Click here to read more.

10. Plug-and-Play: Canon uniFLOW Hybrid Technology Increases User Flexibility, Functionality

Blog_hybriduniFLOW_TXA hybrid model poses many potential advantages to an end user, with an ability to mix and match elements according to customized needs.

A hybrid vehicle presents environmental friendliness, economical benefits, and potentially higher resale value. A hybrid cloud-computing model offers flexibility and eliminates reliance on a single cloud provider.

But what about hybrid output device management?

With built-in hybrid technology, uniFLOW now combines on-premise facilities and cloud resources, to allow facilities to blend a solution that satisfies a particular technology landscape ... essentially, plug and play without constructing arduous workflow scenarios.  Click here to read more. 

2021 is right around the corner! As you look ahead into the new year, could you benefit  from relevant business technology content delivered straight to your inbox? Subscribe to our blog at the top right of this page!

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