The Datamax Thinking Blog

Educating, collaborating, and sparking ideas for maximizing the technology that matters.

The Case for Securing Documents: Paper and Digital

61% of data breaches within companies of less than 500 employees involve paper records.*

Are you counting how much paper and how many employees are in your office right now?

Imagine your law firm in the news – not because you’ve just won a high profile case, but because you’ve experienced a data breach. Worse, that data breach was caused by something simple – like mistakenly throwing away older case files into the dumpster or one of your lawyers losing his briefcase in Starbucks, with client information written on his two legal pads inside that briefcase.

Topics: Network Security Security Healthcare Tips and Tools

Why Digital Copiers Are A Security Time Bomb

Your copier’s hard drive could be a digital time bomb unless properly secured. 

Your copier is hiding something from you – its hard drive.  

These hidden hard drives in copiers prevalent since 2002 store images of every document that’s ever been copied, scanned, or emailed. This data remains stored on the hard drive until the drive becomes full then the old data is overwritten, but there’s always the potential for sensitive information to be stored on your copier’s hard drive. Though that copier in the corner of the office may appear innocent, it is ripe for hacking – and they are often overlooked. 

Topics: Office Equipment Security Healthcare Tips and Tools