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5 Common Misconceptions of Endpoint Backup Solutions


With cloud storage costs dropping and cyberattacks on the rise, cloud-based endpoint backups are more affordable and necessary than ever.

One thing is clear: If and when a cyber attack rears its ugly head, it's essential to have a credible endpoint backup solution in your back pocket. Beyond that, there remain a number of misconceptions about when it's necessary, how it should be utilized, and how easy (or complicated) it is to deploy.

The use of endpoint security in small businesses has been found lacking, with one in five not utilizing it, as reported in a recent Forbes article. Shockingly, 40 percent of these businesses have already experienced a severe cyberattack resulting in eight hours of downtime.

To safeguard your business from data loss and to prevent downtime after a cyberattack or system failure, endpoint backup solutions are crucial. These solutions work by storing data backups from network endpoints like laptops, desktops, and multifunction printers. With cloud storage costs dropping and cyberattacks on the rise, cloud-based endpoint backups are more affordable and necessary than ever.

Despite this, there still exists unwarranted skepticism regarding the need for an effective endpoint backup strategy. Let's explore five misconceptions about endpoint backup solutions, so you can ultimately make the right choice for your organization. 

Misconception #1: We don’t need endpoint backup because we use a cloud storage solution

One common misunderstanding is that there is no need for endpoint backup if using a cloud storage option. However, solely relying on cloud storage can pose a risk since the disruption of an internet connection or service downtime can result in data loss. Additionally, if the cloud storage solution has a sync feature and the local machine experiences a malware attack or data loss, this infection will spread to the cloud storage. To combat these potential hazards, endpoint backup solutions offer an additional safeguard against data loss and enable quick and effortless restoration of damaged or lost data.

Misconception #2: We are fine with backing up all our important data on our normal servers

Using endpoint backup solutions has many benefits compared to traditional server backups. Firstly, users do not need to remember to make regular backups of their data on the servers since endpoint backups do not rely on user discipline. Secondly, endpoint backups offer enhanced protection against data loss by storing information off-site in a secure location. Lastly, a reliable endpoint backup system will pause the backup process if the device's connection is lost and automatically resume it once the connection is restored, minimizing the chances of failed backups.

Misconception #3: We use external hard drives to back up endpoint data

The third misconception is that external hard drives are utilized to back up endpoint data. However, this can pose a security threat since these drives are typically linked to the endpoint. Malware on the endpoint can contaminate the hard drive, which may result in data encryption. Furthermore, it is dependent on users' judgments to determine important files and transfer them over. Revealingly, security solutions may not detect external hard drives, thus making it a struggle to prevent data loss. Ultimately, external hard drives can be destroyed or lost, leading to irreversible data loss.

Misconception #4: My endpoint security solution protects me from ransomware

One common fallacy is that an endpoint security solution is enough to safeguard against ransomware. While this type of software is designed to stop malware from infecting endpoints, it cannot restore data that has been lost in the event of an attack. In order for companies to truly protect their assets, it's essential to have a backup system for their endpoints that is regularly updated. With this in place, they can recover swiftly in the aftermath of an attack and avoid further disruptions to their operations.

Misconception #5: Restoring data with a backup solution is complex and time-consuming

Restoring data can indeed be a complicated and lengthy process, especially when a large amount of data needs to be recovered. Nevertheless, with an efficient endpoint backup system, data recovery becomes easy and stress-free. Such backup solutions facilitate the selective recovery of individual files and restore the complete device, including its configuration, applications, and setup. This simplifies the recovery process, reduces downtime, and guarantees businesses' uninterrupted operations.

Choosing An Effective Endpoint Backup Solution.

There are many benefits of using an endpoint backup solution. When it comes to choosing an endpoint backup solution for your business, there are a few things you need to take into consideration.

  • The size of your business and the amount of data you need to back up.
  • The features that are most important to you. Some endpoint backup solutions offer
    a wide range of features, while others are more basic.
  • The level of support that is available. If you’re not comfortable working with technical software, it may be worth paying for a solution that offers 24/7 support.

To ensure that your data is safeguarded from loss or damage and can be easily restored during an emergency, it is crucial to meticulously assess your requirements and opt for a suitable endpoint backup solution. A suitable endpoint backup solution can relieve you of stress knowing that your data is secured.

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Source: Datto

Topics: Network Management Network Security Cloud Technology Managed Services Provider Why Endpoint Security Endpoint Security Solutions