Blog | Datamax Texas

Beyond The Transaction

Written by Robert H. Caldwell | Dec 16, 2010 2:13:00 PM

It's what happens after the sales transaction that really matters.

Technology acquisition. At one point or another, it’s a process every company goes through. No matter what technology provider you choose to partner with, the fundamental process is similar—needs are assessed (hopefully), a technology solution is proposed, paperwork is signed and the delivery is made. But one aspect that isn’t the same is what happens beyond the transaction. After your “tracks” converge, does your technology partner stay on your track or do they take the first available turnout and head off into the sunset?

The Lifetime Value of Partnership.

It’s been said that clients are a business’ scarcest resource¹. That’s why in a climate where companies gauge their success almost entirely in terms of current-period revenue and earnings, we’re gauging ours in an additional way—by the lifetime value we derive from our clients.

At Datamax, we know that our scarcest resource is one of the most significant factors that propels our company’s growth and helps us achieve success. Growth is what keeps our company alive—it’s what fuels our innovation and creativity and enables us to generate new ideas and initiatives. And by forming lifetime business relationships and partnerships with our clients, we are able to foster the organic growth that will allow us to continually improve the technology and services we have to offer organizations like yours.

So rest assured that when you partner with Datamax, we’ll stay on your track for the long haul and convert you to a raving fan in the process.

The Lifetime Value of the Partnership Review. 

From our deep-rooted account management practices found in our Partnership Review to our renowned service department to our empowering MaxCare technology support offerings and client care program, CONNECT—we’ll make every effort to ensure that you and your company receive exemplary service and support from Datamax through the entirety of your contract.

If you’re in the market for new technology or would simply like to learn more about Datamax’s thought process beyond the transaction, let's visit!

¹ Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, PH.D., Return on Customer: A Revolutionary Way to Measure and Strengthen Your Business.